Service & Calibration
The service department at Sensortronic is your ‘one stop shop’ for all your weighing and inspection requirements. Fast response with trained and experienced technicians providing services to meet customer requirements including after hours on call service.
Keeping our valuable customers in mind, Sensortronic operates a nationwide 24hrs 7 days a week on call system and provides speedy solutions.
We carry out complete upgrades to weighing scales to keep up with latest technology and stock adequate spare parts to support most common models of scales in use.
Preventive Service
We are strong advocates for a proactive approach to equipment maintenance and provide a comprehensive maintenance service to ensure accurate weight readings, reduce downtime and increase the lifespan of weighing equipment.
Contact us to discuss a service scheme to suit your specific requirements, operations and business.
Calibration and Certification
The Sensortronic calibration labs offer three types of certifications to cover any industry requirements.
We are capable of testing, calibrating, and certification of :
General Calibration
Trade Certifications
IANZ Certifications